Relative Pronoun

who = digunakan untuk person atau orang (subjek)
whom = digunakan untuk person atau orang (objek)
which = digunakan untuk thing atau benda
whose = digunakan untuk posessive atau kepunyaan
that = berlaku secara umum & bisa mencakup untuk penggunaan diatas

contoh / example
1. She is my sister. She wears a blouse.
ditambah who menjadi = she who wears a blouse is my sister
2. Mr. George is the head master. He is coming with his wife.
ditambah who menjadi = Mr. George who ls coming with his wife is the headmaster
3. Mom has cooked vegetables. She was shopping in the hypermart.
ditambah who  menjadi = Mom who was shopping in the hypermart has cooked

1. Mrs. Kamila teachers Germany. I met her yesterday
ditambah whom menjadi = Mrs. Kamila whom I met her yesterday teaches Germany
2. The secretary resigns her job. The manager treats her breakfast.
ditambah whom menjadi =  The secretary whom the manager treats breakfast resigns her job.
3. The man is your Dad. I hit him this morning
ditambah whom menjadi = The man whom I hit this morning is your Dad.

1. I buy a new book. I put it on the table
menjadi = I buy a new book which I put on table
2. The book is new. I buy it in bookstore
menjadi = The book which I buy in bookstore is new
3. The mirror is broken. it is from london
menjadi = The mirror which is from london is broken
4. I choose the money. I need it for my life
menjadi = I choose the money which I need for my life

1. Tim is very sad. his car was stolen
menjadi = Tim whose car was stolen is very sad
2. The actor didn't come for show. His son died yesterday
menjadi = The actor whose son died yesterday didn't come for show
3. Te cat is hospitalized. its tail is bleeding
menjadi = The cat whose tail is bleeding is hospitalized

[That] bisa digunakan untuk mengantikan kata whose, which, whom, who seperti yang terdapat diatas


[Where] untuk mengantikan kata tempat
example / contoh
1. Surabaya is a cowded city. I have ever laid my dreams there
menjadi = Surabaya where I have ever laid my dreams is a crowded city
2. Gresik has special slogan. Iwas born in Gresik
menjadi = Gresik where I was born has a special slogan

[When] untuk mengantikan waktu/tanggal/bulan/tahun dan semacamnya
example / contoh
1. I didn't remember the date. my friends celebrate my party on that date
menjadi = I didn'e rememer the date when my friends celebrate my party

sumber : Guru di sekolah saya

jika terdapat kesalanhan mohon dimaavkan mengingat si penulis juga manusia hehe


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